Our Process
Clients select and supply material for production of the reference material. Materials selected are usually based on a range of expected ore grades, or by a combination of expected economic and deleterious analyte ranges.
In addition, mine specific waste rock is commonly selected for use as "blanks" to better mimic the "smearing" within sample preparation equipment.

Material is shipped in 200 litre drums, or more commonly in bulka bags on pallets.
Clients are notified of sample receival with weights logged.
Specific blending instructions are confirmed against the sample received.
After being dried until a constant mass, the material is then crushed and screened to client parameters - usually dried at 105 degrees Celsius and maximum particle size between 2mm and 5mm.
The material is then homogenised and divided via rotary sample dividers and bagged into 1kg to 4kg heat-sealed plastic bags.
All bags are given unique codes with sample division history recorded. The product is boxed and returned to the client, less the samples taken for certification analysis.
Pilbara Standards' system is best suited for multiples of 3.6 tonne batches for the most cost-effective production of coarse CRM. However, we can customise our process to suit clients' specific requirements.
Process flow chart example - Coarse CRM, approximately 3,456 kg for 1,728 x 2kg samples